Posts Tagged 'Canal'



Have you decided to take your family on a Canal Boat?

Just think of it, no congested roads along with the pollution that goes with them. You can slowly sail down the river / canal – admiring the scenery on either side of the waterway, or maybe moor up somewhere for a bite to eat at any of the varied eateries along the way.

If this has whetted your appetite – great but you may need to know some more about hiring a Canal Boat before jumping in the deep end.


You will probably hire a Narrow Boat.  There are three types:

•    Traditional
This one has a small open rear deck.  And is nice and compact. But with no safety rail, it’s not suitable for young children.


•    Semi – Traditional
It has more standing area and there are seats in an enclosed area, thus making it more suitable for keeping the children safe.


•    The Third One Is The Cruiser
No not the Queen Mary but definitely suitable for cruising down the river on a sunny afternoon. It has a much bigger rear deck than the other two and has seating plus a guardrail.


The Narrow Boats are seven foot wide. And with all mod cons, it can be home from home. Some of the boats can accommodate up to twelve people.

How Is The Narrow Boat Steered?

All Narrow Boats are steered by a tiller at the back of the boat.

What Is The Sleeping Accommodation?

Usually single beds that are set up with bedding etc. There is no need to hide all the bedding during the day.  Unlike some beds that have to double up as sofas during the daytime.


The Other Mod Cons -What Are They?

Most of the Narrow Boats have a cooker in the kitchen, a fridge / freezer and a bathroom with a shower and flush toilet etc. Also hot and cold running water. A television and maybe a cd player.

How Many Hours Per Day Can You Use The Boat?

The amount of time you may wish to sail each day depends on you and your family.  You may sail slowly down the river, stopping frequently for food breaks – so four hours a day may be sufficient. Or for the Speedy Gonzales among you maybe an eight-hour day would suit you better. Anyway whichever, by law you can’t travel after dark.

A List of Terms Used On A Boat:

•    Bed = Berth
•    Kitchen = Galley
•    Rear of the Boat = Stern
•    Front of the Boat = Bow

When you pick up the boat, it will come with enough fuel to last for at least two weeks.

For full details of costs, dates available etc please contact
Tel: +44 (0) 1756 701199
Or check the website.
